Michigan Magic Day is fast approaching. Registrations are nearing the 100 mark! For $25.00 you get lectures by Duane Lafliln, Matt Kalita (Escapes), Stage & Close Up Contests (the Sr Divisions in both categories all filled!), 6 Dealers - ABC Magic, FAB Magic, Hippity Hop Magic, Laflin Specialties, Mike McNee & Timid Rabbit! The stage show features: Legendary Gene Anderson as emcee, Alan Smola, Riley Rabbit, Matt Kalita's $5,000 Rope Challenge Escape & The second half of the show - The LAFLIN'S!
We are also having a Nite B4 Party Friday night
and over 50 folks have registered for this event. It's gonna be a fun time - Magic, Magic, Magic!!!!!
We are also excited to announce that the Colon Mystics has petitioned the International Brotherhood of Magicians for a 'ring' here in Colon - why not? It IS the magic capital of the world!
Thanks to IBM Territorial Vice President Randy Vanderwall for making this happen and to all of the IBM memebers in this area for keeping this dream alive. More details later!!!!!!
In the meantime why not come to Tibbit's Opera House in Coldwater Michigan this weekend and see a terrific show. If you can't make it for the whole convention - show tickets are still available at $12.00 each but are selling fast!