Thursday, October 20, 2011

Made in A M E R I C A !

     In this day of imported products isn't it nice and reassuring to know FAB Magic Mfg. Company makes EVERYTHING in the USA? We hear and see the horror stories of overseas magic poorly designed and constructed and there isn't a week that goes by that we don't receive emails from foreign interests wanting to make our magic. Quite Simply - it won't happen on my watch! We take pride in our line of magic and we build everything from scratch.

     We just received a thousand pounds of  top of the line cabinet grade plywood to build our new Clatter Boxes,Tip Over & Rabbit Vanishes and many more items that will be ready within the next few months. FAB Magic takes pride employing local folks. They need jobs and you need quality magic Look around on the internet. Just about every online dealer carries the same stuff - there may be a dollar or two difference in price but it's all the same thing.

     Our business plan and mission statement written nearly a decade ago sets in motion our committment to quality and innovation. If there is to be a better mouse trap built - we will do it. Period. No excuses. No apologies. We are human and we do make mistakes - everyday is a learning experience.

     I love what the late Steve Jobs told his employess, "We don't build products - We build DREAMS!"
That is our intention and our committment to YOU. us grow - some more :)
Rick Fisher, president.

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