Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bill Neff & Edgar Bergen

As we get closer to magic week I am searching the FAB Photo archives for the rarest of rare pics. Here is Bill Neff and Edgar Bergen in Colon working on a new accupuncture treatment. Bergen made a surprise appearance in Colon back in the 50's and most Colon resident didn't realize he spent several summers with Percy and the family. In fact, one year when Edgar arrived back in Hollywood folks were asking him where he had been staying. Nobody believed his story, so the following year Edgar had a film shoot made of him as if he was being run out of town - with Charlie McCarthy under one arm and Mortimer Snerd under the other, Colon residents were seen throwing rocks at Edgar as he jumped on the train and sped off. Of course it was all staged and done in good fun but Edgar was never again asked of his summer whereabouts. During the war, Percy's son, Jules Abbott and his army buddies spent a week at the Bergen 'ranch' - all caught on film for each of the boys. Someday we hope to publish that film. This town...Colon .. IS magic town...come see why!

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