Friday, January 2, 2009

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......even with a coat of rabbit fur it's cold!

Well Rick has put his long johns on and awaiting spring. It has been a cold start to the winter here in Michigan and we have only just begun! Spring is only three months away so let's just hope it arrives sooner than later. The shop has been crazy! New products are on the horizon and I can't get Rick to take a break and smell the ...uh...well...snow mounds? We are all gearing up for a big Magic Week in August and it appears this year will be bigger than we anticipated so stay tuned for more details.
Our Colon Community Park is coming along and we hope to post photos of the progress within the next few weeks. It will provide the village a wonderful place to hold all types of outdoor activities. A pavilion, amphitheater, tennis courts and more all overlooking beautiful Sturgeon Lake. I can't wait to hop on down and check things out!
Who would have thought six years ago that FAB Magic would have grown into a 7,000 square foot facility? Stay tuned we will give you an up close look at our manufacturing and tool shop located directly under the retail store. While you are browsing the the new 'wonders' upstairs we have craftspeople 'down under' working in the wood shop, plastic shop, sewing department and print shop making new magic for all of you. All of our employees - they are more like family - take pride in their work. They don't rush things - taking their time to provide you with the best products on the market. Perhaps that is why FAB Magic products are quickly becoming the standard which all other magic is being measured. Rick isn't a task master but he is a perfectionist and if a trick doesn't work correctly---it either gets re-worked or tossed out. He simply won't tolerate poor quality. But, that is the way everyone thinks here - they are proud of what they do and it shows. All of our products are made right here in Colon - MADE IN THE USA - is a tradition we will continue here and we will not bow to the cheap labor and materials that have flooded our market. A promise that will be kept.
Well, enjoy the new year! I'll be back next week with some great pics of the studios - see how magic is made! Til then.......Hoppy Holidays!

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